National November Writing Month, also know as NaNoWriMo, is starting tomorrow and, after last year’s positive experience, I was ready and excited to give it another try, because yeah, my unpublished and unedited novel needs a sequel.
I was actually looking forward to take part this year again, while it won’t help to fulfil my 2018’s extremely achievable goals, it was a useful exercise and a daily break for my mind from college and work. However, now with only one day to go, I have been asking myself if I shouldn’t be focusing my energy (and evenings/weekends) on school. I’ve been (pre)occupied with an Assignment from Hell in the last 3 weeks, which funnily enough was due today at midnight on Halloween night, and I’m expecting another one to start tomorrow, which will probably be even worse. On the other hand, these month length challenges seem to be beneficial on my overall well being, even the 100 squats a day one – even my arse was impressed. I don’t seem to be able to make a routine out of it, but for the duration of it, it feels good to have a goal and tick that box in my bullet journal. I haven’t done any of the preparation work that was meant to happen in October. I guess that qualifies my as a pantser, but when I finished the first “novel”, I felt Morgan had a bit more to do… you know, save the world and stuff.
Anyway, according to an Italian saying “la notte porta consiglio”, so hopefully a good night of sleep… ok, a night of sleep – as I haven’t slept decently in about ever… – will help and, by the morning, I’ll know what to do. So, better help the night out and get ready for bed and my new reading obsession… Agatha Christie.
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